About Me

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.” -CS Lewis

Monday, November 14, 2011

Well yeah, Juliet died. But at least she had a boyfriend.

I feel like love, marriage, and relationships are a huge theme in my life right now.
For everyone but me.
EVERYONE is getting married.
Except Katrinah.
I feel like every single week another friend of mine is getting married or engaged.
A few weeks ago, four of my friends all got married on the SAME day.
To be honest, I'm jealous.
But why?
What reason do I have?
I don't even want to be married right now, I'm still a kid.
Its just that I see all these people in love and I'm like "me too!"
And I think maybe that has something with how we're conditioned to think.

I read Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade.
I remember wishing I had what they had.
I was jealous of Juliet.
All the girls in my class were.
She had Romeo, and he was good-looking, and she had a pretty dress.
And they ran away together and got married in the woods in the middle of the night.
When we talk about love, we almost always mention Romeo and Juliet.
But that's dumb.
I don't want their relationship.
Their relationship sucked.
Romeo and Juliet didn't even KNOW EACH OTHER.
Twenty minutes ago, Romeo was into another girl.
That should have been Juliet's first red flag. Who wants to be Romeo's sloppy seconds?
Out of nowhere, he's at the girl's window telling her he's madly in love with her.
Some boy shows up at my window and tells me that I am "the sun"...
I would start throwing shoes at him and tell him to get off my property!
But she didn't. Jules just took her heart and placed it right in his hand.
And we all know how it ended.
With a bunch of sneaking around, and a few rash decisions, they both died.
Like, Dude- You're like SIXTEEN.
It's just crazy. We tell this story like its a fairytale.
It's in the title: the TRAGEDY of Romeo and Juliette.
But as little girls we want to be like Juliet.
To be honest with you, I love Jules.
She's one of my favorite story characters.
I can  criticize her decisions all day long, but I get it.
I can't say that there wasn't a point in my life where I would have made the same choices.
She was in love.
She was so lost in the romance that she lost all reason.
She followed Romeo anywhere because she thought they would get a happy ending.
But she didn't. And I feel like that's what happens to most of us.
We give in to these romantic delusions, and find ourselves getting hurt.

Why I say all this, is because I think we need to stop trying to be like Juliet.
We can be ourselves. Write our own stories.
If we can't be happy alone, we will never be happy in a relationship.
Plain and simple.
Romeo can't keep us from getting hurt.

I do want to get married one day.
But not if I can't be happy by myself.
friends: don't sit around waiting for your prince charming.
A man who rides around on a horse just looking for a wife, is not the hero you want.
Live your life.
Go out into the world and expeience things.
Take risks, make mistakes, have adventures.
And maybe while you're having an adventure, he'll be having one with you.
And maybe not. Maybe you will do amazing things on your own, and that is great.
But whatever you do, be yourself, love yourself.
Because you are smarter than you think.
You're stronger than you seem.
And Braver than you believe.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Playing hide-and-seek in a sink hole.

I sometimes think there's this big, black, deep hole that all of my life plans are sitting in the bottom of.
I am a quitter.
I quit things.
Multiple Jobs.
College. (three times)
The gym.
Every other instrument known to man.
I am a quitter.
I've become better at sticking with things, but lately I feel like every single thing in my life is falling through.
Within the past year, I've had numerous extravagant plans that have all fallen through.
I was going to move to Oregon... didn't happen.
I was going to spend a semester in Uganda... didn't happen.
I was going to go on an 11 month trip around the globe... didn't happen.
I was going to move to North Carolina... didn't happen.
So what IS happening, you ask? ...NOTHING!
nothing at all.
I feel like I'm just sitting. sitting in New Jersey, doing nothing.
I've begun working full time as a hair dresser and trying to move forward with my career, but I feel like nothing is happening to me.
Not even bad things, (which i am NOT asking for) but I'm just saying I wish SOMETHING would happen in my life. Within the past few weeks, a lot of my friends have left for school, and for the first time in my life, I'm not going to school.
I guess that this is the beginning of adulthood, responsibility, done with school... I don't like adulthood.
I just always thought my life would be different at this point.
I thought I would be in my senior year of college somewhere near New Jersey, but not too close, getting ready to graduate with a degree that would get me a great job, engaged to some amazing man whim I would marry mere weeks after graduation.
Let me first say that I am so glad that is not my immediate future.
However, it would be nice to have some solid plans, which I do not.
Recently, there was a story on the news where a sink hole formed in New Jersey and a car went into it. (Don't worry, the lady got out) but i thought, it would be kind of fun to play in a sink hole... you know, until it became scary instead.
And thats kind of how I feel right now. I'm playing hide-and-seek in a sink hole... and it was fun until I realized that I'm hiding and no one is seeking me. Most of my deepest relationships are currently over the phone because not very many of my true friends are living near me anymore. and that sucks dude.
So I'm sitting in this sink hole, and once I realize it's time to get out, I figure out thats not very easy.
So the other day I was praying, praying that God would send me someone. here. now. someone I can talk to, really talk to, someone I can depend on.
And I realized, He already has. Himself.
He could send me a thousand friends, a million boyfriends, and I wouldn't be fulfilled.
No human being can pull me out of a sinkhole.
Only God can quiet the cries of my heart, and only if I let Him.
And while I sit here, hiding in a sink hole, it is He who is seeking me.
It is He who is making me Braver than I believe.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

endings, beginnings, and continuations.

So, over a year ago, I started a blog on here, but I never stuck with it. Story of my life.
I guess I oughta start by talking about myself? I'm pretty good at that...
I'm on the cusp of my 21st year, I'm a hairdresser, I love Jesus, and I love babies.
thats about it.
also, I love mud.
I can't really explain my present without explaining my past.
I grew up in Jersey (yep the fab Jersey Shore)
well, to make spark note this story: I went away to college in Pennsylvania at 18 years old.
that November, my best friend died of cancer. that was awful.
like really awful.
I turned my back on God, dropped out of college and moved back home.
thats when I got a phone call from a little place called the Honor Academy.
After much internal debate and arguing with God, I shipped out to Texas and became a Teen Mania intern.
hardest year of my life.
so far.
greatest year of my life.
so far.
most important year of my life.
so far.
I learned so many things in that fateful year.
I learned how to love people.
even when they don't deserve it.
I learned how to love myself.
even when I hate myself.
I learned who God is.
and through that, I learned who I am.
I had so many amazing experiences in that year.
experiences I will never forget.
and I met the people whom I now consider to be my brothers and sisters.
After 11 months in Texas and one beautiful month in Africa,
I moved back home to New Jersey.
I am on my way to graduating from beauty school and I plan to work for the next few months so that I can go to Uganda for seven months.
In the past 2 years, I have done a whole lot of reflecting.
a whole lot.
Ive learned that its okay to not know things.
Ive learned its okay to cry.
Ive learned its okay to trust people.
Ive learned its okay to love people.
Ive learned its okay to be hurt.
And Ive learned that I'm braver than I believe.